DOTY: Continuing the line of Doty-Lawrence family, as found in "Doty-Doten family", by Ethan Allen Doty 1940
By Ethel V. Lawrence
This book provides a record of the Doty-Lawrence Family as found in "Doty-Doten family", by Ethan Allen Doty. Descendants of Edward Doty, an original emigrant to America on the Mayflower in 1620. He was a London youth, twenty-one years old and in the service of Stephen Hopkins. He became a land owner. He married Faith Clarke. The Doty name was also spelled Dotten, Dotey, Doten, Doughty and more. Edward Doty died at age fifty-six at Plymouth, Massachusetts in August, 1665. Typescript.
(78p., Index, 1940)