GARST: Our Garst Family in America Revised 2004
By Floyd & Kathryn Mason, William Tell Garst 1950 version
This is the story of the Garst family in America, showing eleven generations of descendants. The ancestors came to America on the ships 'Patience'', 'Molly', etc in search of freedom and justice, to separate from the domination of the church at Rome, a rest from persecution, and freedom to study the Word and worship God according to the New Testament. They settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and nearby areas, Virginia, etc. The name has been spelled Gerst, Gherst, Gast, Cast, Gish, Grist, Gorst, Garst, Karst, Kearst, etc. In July, 2000, a family reunion was held to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Theobold Gerst's arrival in Philadelphia. Over 500 attended the three day event.
(790p., Illus, Index, 2004)