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HARWOOD: Genealogical and historical account of Harwoods, Henrys and Dotsons 1902

  • 2000

By James B. Harwood

Genealogical and historical account of Harwoods, Henrys and Dotsons. Early versions of the Harwood name were spelled Herward, Whorwood, and Harwode. The earliest account is found in England in what is called the 'Doomsday Book'. This book was made by order of William the Conquerer. In America, the first of the name was Sir Edward Harwood who came to Virginia in 1619, and was a member of the organization called the Virginia Company. He returned to England where he spent his remaining days a soldier. William and then Thomas Harwood are seen also in VA in 1620 and 1622. 

(130p., Illus, 1902)