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HIGHLEY: A Short History of the Highley Family 1898.

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Geo. N. Highley, MD.

This short history of the Highley family in America is traced to Hendrick Heilig, who was naturalized in April, 1749, per records in the Penna Archives. According to laws governing naturalization in the Colonies, he must have been a resident for at least seven years and took communion in one of the Protestant or Reformed congregations within two months before the naturalization court date. He would have come to America prior to April, 1742. He bought a farm in Upper Hanover Township, lived there from about 1749 to 1762. The area was known as Goshenhoppen. He also lived in Providence Twp and finally in Cheltenham township where lived until his death in 1775. His wife's name was Susanna (Rittenhouse). The book gives a brief history on the Rittenhouse family.

(31p. 1898)